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New Exploration Technologies.
16 partners from:
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- Malta
- Sweden
IRMCo’s role
NEXT targets the development of new technologies, such as the use of Copernicus space data and multi-source geochemical exploration techniques that are set to reduce the environmental footprint during mineral exploration. In the context of analysing as to ‘whether’ and ‘if so, how?’ the novel mineral exploration technologies could impact on the social licence to ‘explore’, IRMCo is tasked with the design of a toolkit addressed to mineral exploration and mining companies. As an integral part of this task, IRMCo guides partners in Finland and Sweden on the organization of Information Days with affected local communities so as to collect their perceptions and expectations in response to the use of these novel technologies. In parallel to this, synergies with other ongoing EU funded projects are expected to bring further insights to this emerging field of research. With such a wide ranging array of stakeholders, IRMCo is tasked with the drawing up of a comprehensive Multi-Actor Communication Framework.
EU funding programme

Snippets on project outcomes
A Practical Toolkit addressed to Mineral Exploration and Mining Companies was published in September 2021. The manuscript brings a collection of write-ups in which the main scientific and technological outcomes of the NEXT project are presented in a manner that is intended to make these outcomes more accessible to the general public. Both the advances in mineral exploration and the outcomes of the research on the Social Licence to Explore theme are presented in an easy-to-grasp language. The recommendations brought by the Toolkit are foremost addressed to mineral exploration and mining companies about why, how, when and where to communicate with local communities during the mineral exploration stages. A digital copy is available from the NEXT project website,, through this link.
The manuscript was edited by Dirk De Ketelaere and Anna Spiteri at IRMCo, with the contribution from all partners in the NEXT Consortium.