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Towards Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater in the Mediterranean Region.
7 partners from:
- Greece
- Spain
- Malta
- Lebanon
- Tunisia
IRMCo’s role
AQUACYCLE is set to deliver a low-cost, eco-innovative wastewater treatment technology that consists of anaerobic digestion, a constructed wetland and solar treatment. IRMCo takes the lead role to capture the vision of the people living around the pilot demonstration sites in Al-Fayhaa (Lebanon), Blanca (Spain) and Charguia (Tunisia) and draw up Local Action Plans for the reuse of 900 000 m3 of treated effluent through the use of participatory GIS (PGIS). To this effect, IRMCo will guide the partners on the design and functionality of an online PGIS platform and on the practical organization of the participatory workshops with the local communities. IRMCo has also been entrusted with the lead role on the work package dedicated to Communication.
EU funding programme

Snippets on project outcomes
Updates on the project’s progress and its achievements are being collected as chapters in AQUACYCLE My Autobiography, penned by Dirk De Ketelaere, Senior Researcher at IRMCo. The first 12 chapters were published as a manuscript in February 2022, with the subtitle Anxiously waiting to make my physical appearance. It is available for download through this link.
For updates on AQUACYCLE, please visit