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UNIfied framework to cope with droughts under MEDiterranean climate change conditions.
UNIMED is aimed at the methodological development of a Survivability-of-Droughts Index in the context of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus. This is a novel idea that will derive from a quantification of four underlying indices: perception, vulnerability, adaptability and recoverability.
3 partners from:
- Malta (IRMCo, MCAST)
- Turkey (DEU DESUM)
IRMCo’s role
IRMCo is entrusted with the lead role on the work package dedicated to Historical evidence vs. farmers’ perception of droughts analysis. The historical evidence of droughts will derive from the analysis of monthly rainfall data series (1960-2020) from around the Mediterranean using the Standard Precipitation Index. The historical evidence will then be compared with the outcomes of a Perception-Value-Attitude Survey addressed to farmers in both Malta and Turkey.
Malta-Turkey bilateral funding
Snippets on project outcomes
The official launch in Malta on 24 April 2023 of the MCST-TUBITAK funded UNIMED research project coincided with the well attended Info-Session about the PRIMA-funded Mara-Mediterra research project. A digital copy of all presentations can be accessed through this link.