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Towards a European wide Intelligent Textile Environment: Building, Linking and Bonding.
22 partners from:
- Greece
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- Czech
- Germany
- Hungary
- Italy
- Latvia
- Malta
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Spain
IRMCo’s role
In this project IRMCo had the task to utitlize and pass on its expertise in writing EU research project proposals by coaching textile companies in Malta and help them become partners in EU funded research proposal submissions. IRMCo also performed a benchmarking audit so as to extract best practices in human resources deployment and individual companies’ attitudes towards research cooperation.
EU funding programme

Snippets on project outcomes
IRMCo has been at the forefront in developing methodological approaches to support the uptake of innovation and to promote interdisciplinary interaction. Through the ITE project, IRMCo benchmarked the innovation readiness of 9 Maltese textile companies with the capacity and aptitude for innovation of their counterparts in the other ITE partner countries.
Individual summaries of the 9 benchmarking audits were presented to each of the local companies. A further analysis was carried out which identified some emerging local trends which were presented on the occasion of a Final Seminar in Malta during 2006.
IRMCo succeeded to coach 7 of the local textile companies to become partners in EU funded research proposal submissions.