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Cost Action 65, 620 and 621 on the topic of karst groundwater management.
Snippets on project outcomes
Dirk De Ketelaere and Anna Spiteri participated in Cost Actions 65, 620 and 621 in their individual capacity.
In Cost Action 65 Karst groundwater management, they contributed to the compilation of the Final Report with the National Report for Malta.
In Cost Action 620 Vulnerability and risk mapping for protection of carbonate (karst) aquifers, Dirk De Ketelaere served as the chair, together with Prof. Dr. Heinz Hötzl of the Working Group 4 Hazard and Risk Mapping. In cooperation with Donal Daly, he authored the Chapter 5 Hazard Mapping of the Final Report.
In Cost Action 621 Groundwater management of coastal karstic aquifers, they contributed to the publication The main coastal aquifers karstic aquifers of southern Europe, with the chapter on the coastal aquifers in Malta and Gozo.