Two groups of benthic organisms, ostracoda and foraminifera, were selected as tracers of the environmental conditions in the coastal lagoons of El Meleh in Tunisia and Nador in Morroco. In particular the following aspects were accomplished: a) the taxonomic identification of the species present in the different areas of both lagoons; b) an approximation to the analysis of the ecological assemblages, with the estimation of densities, diversities and the additional/secondary species; and c) the delineation of the areas occupied by the main assemblages.

Ecological zonation of Nador (left) and El Meleh lagoons

The delineation of the main ecosystem assemblages in both lagoons (see maps above), was then combined with the interpretation of the analytical results on water, sediments and soils.  Based on the spatial variations of water parameters, sediment and soil properties and microfauna, a morphodynamic scenario for both lagoons emerged. 

Integrated Environmental Assessment of Nador (left) and El Meleh lagoon
(W: Water, S: Sediment, O (OA): Ostracod assemblage)

Find more information on the EU FP5 funded COLASU project.